Fountain Benefits - TLC Products - for Aquatic Systems -

Benefits of Fountain Perfect Water Fountain Cleaner

Fountain Perfect is the ideal treatment option for indoor and outdoor fountains with scale, odor, foam, and sludge problems.

100% natural
Chemical free

Easy to apply
Safe for aquatic life, farm animals, birds, and pets
Recommended by professionals
Made in the USA

Fountain Perfect is an all-natural blend of beneficial bacteria safe for fish and aquatic plants designed to improve poor water quality in small water features such as fountains, bird baths, and waterfalls. The major benefits of Fountain Perfect include:

  1. Benefit 1: Clarifies water & prevents scaling
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  2. Benefit 2: Destroys foul odors & foam
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  3. Benefit 3: Reduces sludge & muck
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Improve the look of your fountain or bird bath water feature with Fountain Perfect water treatment solution.

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